No.2 Special Award
Okkiino Chissaino(Big and Small)
Amazon Laterna
This is a project of Digital Ehon which readers can take part in and experience by utilizing pinch-in and pinch-out, functions of a tablet.The story of the project it that a big elephant and a small mouse gives their presents to each other.Readers can make presents biger and smaller by using finger.
Prize Comment
Thank you for giving such a wouderful prize this time. When I think about a picuture book which only digital can realize, the idea of “pinch” come to my mind. In “Okkiino Chicchaino”, readers can develop the story by changing size of items appears in the story with “pinch”. In the circumstance that a content with features that readears can take part in the story actively,I think that how to include such features in a contents naturally is a future task of Digital Ehon. I want to complete this work to send the picuture book to everyone.
Comment by Juror
This work make the best use of the goodness of Digital Ehon that children can communicate with a picure book. Animals and size of things are standard theme of a picture book. And this describes this theme effectively with standard functions of device and tablet such as “pinch-in” and “pinch-out”. It can be considered that this could be serialized with not only a elephant and a mouse at this time but also other animals. Good planning. (Tomoyuki Sugiyama, president of Digital Hollywood University)