No.7 Second Prize
Lexi’s World
Josh On Pop Pop Pop(America)
In Lexi’s World, words are magic spells that bring their meanings to life. Kids can spell words they don’t yet know by tapping the keyboard which only lets them make words that work in Lexi’s world.
As kids type, the letters are spoken out, reinforcing the spelling of each word. When a word is completed it takes effect in the world; type ‘night’ and it becomes dark, type ‘pig’ and a pig appears. A child can make as many pigs as they please, but to do so they must type the special code: ‘pig’! A specially designed keyboard allows a child to only type words that are already in the system.
Prize Comment
Dear Digital Ehon,
Thank you so much for recognizing Lexi’s World. It is a great honor
to receive this validation of the app. I also want to thank you for
your work of creating a space for sharing and celebrating digital app
for children. We are in very early days of the artform, and it has not
had time to mature. Unfortunately the commercialization of apps was
there from the beginning, so it has not gone through the same
trajectory that other media have had the opportunity to pass through.
The app stores are the main arbiter of success or failure of what is
created in the medium. That means that it is so vital for programs
like yours to evaluate the art that we put in front of our children
through a different lens. The best work is yet to come, there are
classics still to be made! So thank you for encouraging the children’s
app makers to make quality engaging experiences. I am very
appreciative of the spotlight that you have put on my work.
Thank you,
Josh On